
Showing posts from February, 2018

Coming SOON-: A Toolkit for Home and Business Owners to Check on their Insurance!

February 11th, 2018 posting date. Coming SOON: A Toolkit for Home and Business Owners to Check on their Insurance! You heard it first on my Home Owners Action Group blog here.   What ?   A Toolkit for Home and Business Owners to Check on their Insurance! Why ?  We all need one of these in order to learn what our current home, business, auto and other insurance policies - all usually 'boiler plate' copies insurance companies insist we accept but which most of us have never seen or read or understand.  Soooo - TIME to learn folks!  With a helpful tool kit you can share with your attorney, your family and friends, and your contractors and elected officials - NOW - or face the sad music, and lame insurance company excuses LATER, like when you may need to file a claim. Questions the Consumers' Tool Kit can Help you Answer: -Am I covered for what I THINK I am or should be covered for? -Do I have ENOUGH coverage and, if not, what should I do? -What does all